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Building construction in an Infectious Control Environment

BEI Construction is trained and equipped to provide building construction services that prevent the disturbance of airspace and creation of dust for hospitals and other medical and healthcare facilities (Infectious Control Environments).
There are additional considerations when performing construction work in these sensitive environments:
– All construction equipment and personnel must enter through highly specialized Infectious Control Containment Booths. BEI Construction owns several of these booths, which create a hygienically clean and highly pressurized environment.
– The air in these facilities cannot be disturbed, which means all construction personnel must wear masks and gloves.
– Since these facilities contain busy medical staff performing vital services to patients, all construction is completed with sensitivity to noise control and medical personnel workflow.
– All construction personnel receive training at the beginning of each project. The training is site-specific and provided by the facility or by the general contractor.
Here are just some of BEI Construction’s clients in the medical and healthcare fields:
BEI Construction invests in training, equipment, policies and procedures in order to work safely and efficiently in these sensitive environments.