Building the infrastructure to support the future of renewable energy, end-to-end

Creating a long-term renewable energy infrastructure in this country promises a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable future. But it also presents distinct challenges. Each of the various forms of renewable energy has its own set of requirements and idiosyncrasies and demands particular expertise.

Through our broad range of skill sets and collective body of knowledge, BEI Construction is uniquely qualified to offer end-to-end design and installation services for all types of renewable energy projects: solar, storage, substation, EV charging and wind. Regardless of the size and scope of the initiative, we continue to deliver projects on time and within budget, with attention to detail at every phase of the project.

BEI understands the specific nuances of each form of renewable energy, including the particular products, technology, protocols, and approval processes required for each of them—even their respective impacts on the energy grid. This broad expertise is a huge advantage to our clients.

Design and installation for utility-scale and distributed generation solar

“The BEI team has completed several high-profile solar/photovoltaic projects for public and private sector clients that have greatly enhanced the utilization of renewable and clear solar energy throughout California,” says Dominic DiMare, Principal, BEI Construction. “We’ve delivered more than 200MW of solar energy capacity in the Bay Area and beyond.”

“BEI offers a complete package: site evaluation, energy modeling, production analysis, construction, testing, and maintenance. Our expertise runs the gamut—from solar ground-mount systems to parking canopies to single access trackers,” explains David Zetterlund, General Manager, BEI Construction.

Full-service capabilities for BESS implementation

Manufacturers, data centers, and healthcare facilities all need backup power in the event of outages. Battery storage can play a key role in supporting uninterrupted operation or orderly shutdowns. The inclusion of BESS also increases the success and cost-effectiveness of wind or solar installations.

“The BEI team has handled a broad range of BESS initiatives—some as extensive as 537.5MW/2.15GWH of battery storage. Our team helps clients scope and install the right energy storage systems to meet their requirements,” explains Jerry Zampino, BESS General Manager, BEI Construction. “From lithium iron to flow cell batteries, BESS technology is continually evolving, and we make it a priority to keep up with the latest developments in partnership with manufacturers.”

Substation design, construction, and installation

“The BEI Construction team handles every aspect of substation projects: electrical generation, electrical transmission, distribution systems, and construction (civil, structural, and electrical). We also provide complete EPC Level 2 services,” says Dennis Brock, Senior Project Manager, BEI Construction.

“To supplement BEI’s breadth and depth of resources, we can draw on our partner firm, Blymyer Engineering, when specific design and engineering expertise is required. And our BEI Connect division is brought in for cabling and underground construction work.”

A commitment to the renewable energy industry

BEI is proud of our involvement in helping realize the promise of renewable energy in California and the U.S. We look forward to continuing to extend its availability and accessibility. With the landscape continually changing, our team is always researching and learning—to stay on top of our game so we can continue to deliver for our clients and exceed their expectations.
